

John Arceneaux an American citizen shows his support to President Duterte as he posted a video on Facebook, telling a story of his friend who asked him why he supports the President of the Philippines.

“I was asked by a very close friend that I had for years, why do you support President Duterte from the Philippines, because he is being called a human rights violator?”

John responded to his friend and defend the President against false accusation.

“I responded saying, just because amnesty international and the UN and the news media in Australia, and certain other oligarch driven machine say that a man is a human rights violator, doesn’t mean that the western media narrative is true”, John said.

John also explained how the past administration neglected the law enforcers and allows drug cartel to operate in the country by accepting money from them.

He believes that President Duterte is not a genocider and not a human rights violator.

“So President Duterte is not a genocider, he is not a human rights violator, he is a man of law, man of compassion, a man of truth, a man of honesty, he is not bought with a price, he doesn’t serve the oligarchs”

He was also impressed with the knowledge of common Filipino being more aware about the truth, the world, and the reality happening than most of the people from the west.

John gained praises from the netizens for defending the President of the Philippines.


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