

YASSI PRESSMAN TRUMPET DANCE CHALLENGE, trumpet dance, trumpet dance challenge, trumpet, yassi pressman
Yes, any dance cover or challenge,by celebrities won’t be completed without Yassi Pressman. Different from all the,celebrities that joined the “Trumpets” dance challenge, Yassi Pressman’s version involves,wearing heels.

Since it was an early pack-up, Yassi wasn’t able,to contain her happiness and just expressed it through dancing the hit “Trumpets”.  Although the Kapuso,young actress was wearing heels, the shoes didn’t hinder her to move,with grace and snap. We also noticed that her choreography was different from the past celebrities that we featured,because she took the song literally by incorporating a routine that,involved playing an invisible trumpet which we didn’t see from the previous celebrities that joined the “Trumpets” dance challenge. Overall, we,can say that Yassi’s version was wholesome,and full of grace despite wearing short shorts.

Nothing but just a big ‘wow’ and tons,of compliments were dropped by Yassi’s followers on her Instagram account and same,with us, we have nothing to say but just ‘wow’.


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