

How dare you. We are not some backwwter country where the whims and caprices of a President can land someone in jail. You may not like it because we do not fit the stereotype of how you want to imagine us.

But we still have a government of laws. We have one of the freest press in the world. We host the most vibrant social media.

You focus your condemnation of us on the basis of a single issue -- the war and drugs. How can you be so fixated that you forget to look at the totality of our democracy.

She was arrested on a drug-related charge. Her rights are not even violated. A court ordered her arrest. She even had the luxury of resetting her arrest to suit her convenience.

If there is one thing you need to criticize us for, it should be on how it is easy for us to allow people in power to have a different treatment from that of her former lover and driver who is accused of the same crime.


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