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President Rodrigo  Duterte gains Support of South Korean government after he vowed to reduce crime in the country in his first year in office.

The South Korean government has,expressed willingness to reinforce cooperation with the Philippines in securing,peace and order through joint projects such as capacity-building,in police investigation.

South Korean,Ambassador to Manila Kim Jae-Shin personally extended his support to,Duterte during his courtesy call in Davao City.

According to the South Korean,Embassy in the Philippines, Ambassador Kim conveyed the congratulatory,message of South Korean President Park Geun-Hye during their meeting while expressing hope,to further improve the bilateral ties between the two countries and to,continue the cooperation in various,fields under the incoming administration.

While getting behind the,Duterte’s anti-crime agenda, the top South Korean diplomat in the Philippines is,himself soliciting stronger close cooperation with the incoming administration regarding,North Korean affairs particularly the political tension that still,persists on the Korean Peninsula due,to North Korea’s ceaseless development of nuclear arms and weapons,of mass destruction.

Duterte gave his guarantee that the Philippines,would remain in support of the Korean government against North,Korea’s nuclear ambitions.


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