

When this woman named Kristen found out,that she was pregnant, she knew that her partner Cory would be so,excited to be the a father. 
She knew that she could,pull up a surprise for the announcement that a,little blessing is coming their way. 
Kristen planned to have a taste-test challenge,with Cory. What Cory didn't know  is that it was something more. 
A camera was set up and Cory was,blindfolded. They started off by giving him several little containers which,has different kinds of food inside. 
But when they came up to the last one and,Kristen gave him the idea that they were having a baby, Cory was completely stunned. Until he got back to his senses and,was jumping out of joy. He claims that this is one of the,best feeling ever. He immediately kissed her and her,tummy as a sign that he is truly thankful for the wonderful blessing. 

source: DudeLikeHELLA


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