

A group of men went to Pampanga for their second educational fieldtrip, but it seems that they have learned more from a simple banana cue vendor than from their actual trip. How? Find out below!
At first glance, he appears to be just a simple vendor selling banana cue for a living. If you are walking down the street, you wouldn’t even give this guy a second look because he looks just as common as everybody. But don’t underestimate this guy’s intelligence. Don’t let his appearance fool you from his clever mind!
He’s not a communication instructor or an English teacher, but he speaks English very well. The students who were just supposed to buy banana cues even got an instant grammar lesson with him! He taught them a few difficult words in Filipino to be translated in English. But that’s not all that he got. He also showed his wits when he sparked a few trivia.
And what’s more amazing? One of the students tried to let him keep the change from his P50 bill, but instead of accepting it, he asked if. “Do you have a job?” When the student answered no, he returned the change.

The video was uploaded on March 16, 2011 in Youtube by Jaedy Dizon. According to the man who uploaded the video, at first they thought that the guy was just trying to impress them with his English skills. But as they talk and talk with him on the street, they figured out that he was more than just an intelligent man. His video caption said:
“One thing about this guy is he fears God's words; he is telling us stories that touch our hearts, personally my heart.”

Watch the clip of this amazing man with a thousand words below and don’t forget to share.


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