Doctors have,found a fetus inside a two-year-old boy’s,stomach.
Parents of the child,suffering,from the rare abnormal condition, fetus in fetu,are seeking for medicine,as well as financial support to,cover for the child’s operation. Due to his,condition, the boy is having difficulty,breathing and walking.
Although the boy was,diagnosed in July last year, he was not able to undergo surgery,because his family was victimised by,supertyphoon Yolanda in,November last year.

Mendoza also said that they are already,preparing the child for his surgery,scheduled on Monday, October 20.
According to the,father of the child, they had the,boy checked up last year after his,stomach started swelling. Initially,they thought he had a,kidney problem.
What is fetus in fetu?
An extremely unique,ondition, it only occurs 1 in every 500,000 births. Fetus in fetu,is usually discovered shortly after,the host twin is born. However, there are cases in which the,condition is only detected in,adulthood or even death.

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