

Ella Cruz vs. Maja Salvador In A Trumpets Dance Battle, maja salvador, ella cruz, trumpets danace, trumpet dance challenge, dance challenge
An epic dance battle was seen from the two,hot dancers of this generation. Maja Salvador and Ella Cruz gave the people,a stunning 'Twerk It Like Miley' dance battle previously. 
The netizens could not help but fight over who is the,the better dancer over the other. Many people then claimed that their style in dancing is different,that is why they are both amazing in their own respective styles. 
But now that the 'Trumpets' Challenge,is the trending dance craze, the people are now comparing the uploaded versions of Maja,Salvador and Ella Cruz. 
The two gave out their own performance,of Sak Noel's song. Maja had her performance on the ASAP stage while Ella Cruz was inside a dance,studio along with the choreographer of their dance.

Watch their trumpet dance video bellow

Ella Cruz

Maja Salvado


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