
Anonymous and the Ku Klux Klan hate group,continue to while the grand jury finally decided not to indict Officer Darren,Wilson for the murder of unarmed 18-year-old, Michael Brown. Tensions began to rise after Frank Ancona, leader of the KKK’s Missouri operations, threatened to use lethal force against Ferguson,protesters during the expected turmoil in the days to come.
After distributing fliers in the metropolitan St. Louis area warning,protesters that there would be consequences for their actions, Ancona later appeared on MSNBC where he equated some demonstrators to terrorists. The KKK has specifically called out activist Bassam,Masri as well, claiming he threatened police,while live-streaming one of the protests. Masri has dismissed the accusation;
If they want to perpetuate hate, we can’t stop them, but we can surely let them,know we ain’t going for it. They are using the KKK to change the,narrative to something they want, which is a race war which we are not advocating for, taking the story off [Missouri Governor Jay] Nixon, [St. Louis Country,prosecutor Bob] McCulluch, and Darren,Wilson,” he states. “It’s ok for the KKK to hate folks but God forbid a minority speaks up.
In a recently released YouTube video, Anonymous met the KKK’s threats with a warning of their own.

#OpKKK and #HoodsOff are now in effect, and the KKK’s Twitter account, @KuKluxKlanUSA, was taken over. On Sunday the 16th, their account tweeted, “You should’ve expected us. #OpKKK continues,to be a success. Freedom will prevail.”
A tweet published the,next day showed an image of a unicorn,from the same Twitter handle with the quote, And finally, here’s a unicorn J”
Following this tweet, the Grand Wizard of the KKK released this direct threat, “we will hunt you down and tear,those masks from your face. You’ll be strung up next to the chimps. On display for the whole world to see. The Klan is to be feared, not threatened.”
Frank Ancona,addressed Anonymous’ actions with threats of violence, claiming,that anyone wearing an Anonymous mask could be shot.
Anonymous is now,monitoring KKK servers, and their warning is clear as well;
Anything you upload,will be taken down. Anything you use to promote,the KKK will be shut down. We are not attacking,you because of what you believe in, as we fight for freedom of speech. We are attacking you,because of your threats to use lethal attack against us at the Ferguson,protests.
Anonymous issued this additional,statement, claiming they have information that may link Darren Wilson to a Missouri Chapter of the KKK.

